may 8, 2020


To Our Valued Wholesale Partners,

During these challenging weeks I felt a need to personally communicate with you and all of our retail partners. This has been challenging for our entire supply chain and I want to assure you that this team at PFSbrands has worked tirelessly to not only get through this pandemic, but to ensure that we are positioned for success moving forward.

As states and communities start to reopen we want to be sure that all of our valued customers are prepared for an increase in demand. PFSbrands is well positioned at this time from an inventory standpoint to fill the demands of our customers.

Through weekly monitoring of purchases, we have seen retailer purchases increase 30% last week over sales from two weeks ago. Also, at those retail locations with our Order Management Systems (OMS), we have seen significant increases in daily purchases by consumers the last 3 weeks.

A few key points to keep in mind as you prepare your next order for delivery:

  • PFSbrands is in a good inventory position at this time.
    • We have a shelf life advantage with frozen tenders vs fresh, especially with current protein supply issues in our country.
  • Along with our proteins, be sure to review all core items in our program such as: breading, sides and packaging.

As warm weather takes over, as people get back to work, and as the economy recovers we are optimistic that volume will be strong in foodservice. We want to do everything possible to ensure that retailers are able to capitalize on these opportunities. Please review your current inventory levels and place orders for delivery the Week of May 18th by EOD Monday, May 11th.

Do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Success Team (855-632-3373 or with questions on our products as it relates to inventory levels or most common items frequently purchased by our retail partners.

Moving forward, expect to have more communication from our Director of Customer Success, Adam Wojciechowski. Thanks for all that you are doing through these challenging times!

Best regards,

SB Sig

Shawn Burcham
Founder & CEO