Finding the right product mix can make a significant difference for stores looking to increase their profit margins. It can mean the difference between attracting your local customers and letting your purchases go to waste. Each grocery and convenience store must identify the trends in their sales, and what their local demographics require to maximize profits while delighting customers with the scrumptious food they seek in every visit.
The most important part of your product mix is that customers are looking for what you are selling. The primary products, be it tacos or fried chicken, are likely to be staples across the board. Where you can really shine is amazing food combos and in demand products.
These are the factors we recommend considering when adjusting your product mix:
Each of these factors plays into how you should be adjusting your product mix, but there’s a difference between knowing the factors and knowing how to change.
While not every program offers complete control over your product mix, any program worth its salt (nothing more than the recommended daily intake) will offer enough room to adjust to the needs of your customers.
These are some of the ways you can change what products you are offering your customers:
Finding the right product mix directly ties to your profitability. It helps you order efficiently throughout the year while reducing waste. It can take some time to get the right product mix, but that becomes an investment for your future.
Not only do you increase efficiency, but when you find food that resonates with your customers, they will spread word to their friends and family. You’ll be attracting new customers like never before.
The beauty is you don’t have to go through this process alone. The right foodservice partner will have experience in working quickly to create the correct mix and will start you with a good baseline menu based on all of the factors above. They will be able to help you adapt and provide you with seasonal ideas.
In the end, there’s no one-size-fits-all product mix for any grocery or convenience store, even within the same brand and program. That’s the beauty about finding what’s right for you. It’s personal to your store and your customers. Once you find the right formula, you will increase your profits and delight your best customers every time they walk through your doors.